Friday, April 11, 2008

Lil Flower in a Square5 - SOLD

approx. 7.5" X 7.5" Mixed Medium on 100% cotton paper. This is the fifth in a series of seven that I've done this week raising money for paper. I would like to thank all the participants who have bought paintings from me this week. I have the money I need to order the paper!! Yea!! When it comes in you'll be seeing some BIG things again. I'm also working on some new block prints of the New Orleans colorful row houses. It will be a couple of weeks before you will actually see anything from that... as it is quite a time extensive process carving and then printing the block prints. I have this idea to actually take five of the row houses and print them side by side on a long sheet of paper... say 44.5 X 12"... I'm very excited to see that in a finished state. I'll be posting three of the miniature flowers in a square to get me through the weekend. Have a great one! Oh! I may start showing my art in the alley next door at Jo'Jo's on Friday nights. Look for me there! Since I will not be checking this post till Monday these three flowers will be $20.00 through the weekend and going up after that.

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