Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Went to my first (in New Orleans) figure drawing class. What fun! I was in my element. I love New Orleans and what it has to offer artist.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

Crawfish - $60.00

22x15 hand tinted acrylic silk screen from a block print. Pulled out some old screens to revive. While I love the graphic simplicity of these older cuts, I do like the energy happening in the newer blocks. Kind of cool to see my progression. These are a bit easier to paint, thus the lower price.

Catfish - SOLD

22x15 handtinted silkscreen of blockprint.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

New Orleans Wild Rooster. $100.00

16x24" acrylic image on 22x30" acid free archival water color paper. Handpainted silk screen of block print.

I am so pleased to present my newest block print. You may remember my posting of the wild rooster which travels through the neighborhood acting as sporatic alarm in the mornings. I decided to carve him. I then blew him up poster size and did larger silkscreens. I love the new large size!

Friday, November 1, 2013


I sketch this painting with Sketch Guru on my Android phone :-)